Hi! My name is Shane McGrath and I am a product engineer based in Ireland.

About me

After graduating in Mechanical Engineering, I joined a medical device startup in Cork that specialised in wearable devices designed to help diagnose sleep apnea. In this role, I collaborated with both the software and hardware design teams. Drawn to the more rapid iteration cycles of the software development, I decided to place my focus there.

I applied and was accepted to a bootcamp at a Silicon Valley-based school called 42. The four-week syllabus focused on "The C Programming Language" book by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie, providing me with a solid foundation in a low-level programming language.

After this, I completed a one-year postgraduate course in Software Design at NUIG. This educational experience further honed my hard and soft skills in software development.

Following the postgraduate course, I relocated to Belfast to join an AI startup specialising in medical 3D printing. Here, I gained valuable experience working as part of an agile team and learned how to quickly iterate on product development applying machine learning techniques to segment medical images to produce 3D models.

After my time in Belfast, I spent over a year building a carbon accounting platform at Sustain.life.


Sustain.Life logo


Axial3D logo


TypeScriptVueJavaAWSCypressJestFigmaJIRA3D PrintingThree.js
project image alt text

PMD Solutions Ltd

ReactCSSHTMLTypeScriptFigmaJIRA3D PrintingiOS developmentSolidWorks CAD
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